12 January 2015

Monday Mischief #54 - Paw Injury

On Saturday, I came home from brunch to discover blood on the floor and door and blood all over Mr. N's paw. I'm still not quite sure how he scraped his paw pad as there were no sharp objects in the room and he hadn't done anything more strenuous than eating breakfast. He wasn't limping and would let me examine it as long as I didn't poke in the area.

I called the vet and they told me it wasn't an emergency and to watch him and to come in on Monday if I felt the need. Mr. N was placed on a walk restriction. The concrete isn't good for his paw.

Mr. N is very fond of his walks so we've been going out on outings where he gets carried the majority of the time so he still gets some socialization time and fresh air.  We go into the stores where he's a regular and he gets petted and cossetted and fed treats.

There was a little girl whose mother was instructing her on proper dog greeting etiquette and who was very interested in Mr. N so I let her feed him a treat and she was thrilled. There's a reason why I refer to Mr. N as a walking petting zoo.

To those of you who have sent well wishes on Facebook, thank you. Mr. N is improving and I hope he'll be able to get out with Sage soon!


  1. When we have had paw pad injuries, we wrap it nicely with bandaging materials and cover with a boot for our walk, and then let it go free again when we get home. Hope your paw heals up fast. It is never fun having a bum wheel.

  2. Ouch, poor guy. I hope he heals up fast. Maybe his new beaded collar I am mailing today will help him feel better.

    1. Thanks. New clothes cheer me up, we'll see if they have a similar effect on him!

  3. Oh no Mr.N! I hope you feel better buddy.

  4. Ouch! Paw injuries are rough on our dogs! We've noticed that paw injuries tend to have a mysterious source as well!

    Woofs & Wags from Bear and Scooter of SheSpeaksBark

  5. Oh no, what a major bummer! Poor Mr. N ~ we're sending him lots of healing energy!

  6. Ooh - made my tummy flip when I saw the pic Mr. N - please to feel better soon

  7. Sorry to hear about your little paw! Would wearing a PAWZ boot help? Hope it gets better soon and is nothing serious. Love Dolly

  8. Oh no, poor Mr. N! I didn't see this on Facebook. We hope he is continuing to heal, but we're glad you're still getting him out and about, I imagine that helps keep him in better spirits.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Saw the news on Facebook. Rita hates to be on walk restriction! That's nice that you can still take him along places to get fussed over at least! This is not good mischief, so hope he's all healed up next week!

  10. Barley and I are sending healing thoughts Mr. N's way! Hope he's back to his usual self soon.

  11. Oh no, sorry that your paw is all busted up!! I (charlie) did the same thing this week-I ripped the nail off of my dewclaw. I was fine but Mom was all crazy saying we had to go see Dogtor Pat right away! I loved it because i got lots of treats!

  12. Love that line: "petted and cosseted and fed treats." He deserves it! So glad Mr. N is doing better. Hope he's back on his feet soon!
    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  13. Paw injuries are the pits. We seem to get them more often in the winter although not exclusively in the winter. Hope he is back to his walks soon.


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