22 June 2015

Monday Mischief #71 -Though He Be But Little, He is Fierce

Though he be but little, he is fierce (bonus points to anyone who can tell me where that adapted quotation comes from). Mr. N and Sage have a stare down battle over a stick. Guess who wins? 

It doesn't matter how big the stick. Mr. N still snatches it and runs away. In this case, he almost whacked Sage in the head with it. He never steals anyone else's toys but he and Sage play this long convoluted game where Sage fetches the stick and drops it at the shoreline when Mr. N gives her a look and then runs away with it. We then have to play tug to get it back to throw it for Sage and the cycle begins anew. 

He loves playing with the big dogs. I guess he finds them more compatible speed and energy-wise. Sage is faster than him but Mr. N has outrun an Aussie, a Lab puppy, two Border Collie/Lab mixes and more. It's those long legs.

We also have two giveaways going on for a Solvit Travel Organizer Kit and a bottle of Rejeneril supplement. Both end this week!


  1. We sometimes play with big sticks. Mom keeps a close watch as we like to whack each other and humans with it by accident. So far no injuries, but it could happen.

  2. The dynamics of dog play are always fascinating.

  3. Mr. N and Chewy have those long legs in common, for sure. Chewy runs circles around Gadget, who has stubby legs. And look at Sage, all pretty and sassy!

  4. The look on Sage's face is so cute. They seem to have a blast playing together!

  5. Tenacious, eh Mr N!!! ;)


  6. Hehehe you have a big heart don't ya,xx SPeedy

  7. That stick is about triple your size Mr.N!

  8. That is so sweet how they play together and great pictures. I've always preferred to play with big dogs because I can outrun them with my short legs. Love Dolly

  9. Smooth moves, Mr. N. The stick is an awesome prize.

    Love and licks,

  10. Mr. N. you are one bedded little terrier! You go dude. Harley and Jax gave you a shout out on their blog post today. Check it out.

  11. Hi Y’all!

    You GO Mr. N! Rescue that stick for Goose!

    I’m still workin’ on my new home, http://www.browndogcbr.net. Today I’m tryin’ some changes to the format. This will be my third change, although minor, since my move.

    Thank you if you have been giving me feedback. I would like to know how this layout is working for you personally.

    I appreciate hearing the pros and cons for you when I show y’all a new look.

    Y’all hurry on by now!
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  12. I know the quote's adapted from Shakespeare, but I'm guilty of cliff-noting most of the plays, so I can't remember which one!

    And I will never get enough pictures of Mr. N and Sage playing together. Their friendship just makes me smile.

    1. *gasp. And you teach English lol! They are such bros even though Sage is a girl.

  13. It's William Shakespeare. ;-)

    We have a little(r) fierce one here, too!

  14. Mr N must have good conformation which allows him to move efficiently and to cover more ground with less strides. :)

    1. I guess so? Definitely wasn't planned! He probably comes from atrocious breeding.

  15. Mr. N. sure does have crazy-long legs on that little, fierce body of his! :)

    I knew that quote sounded familiar, but wasn't sure - I see someone knew the answer!

    1. He is ridiculously tall. If he was a half-inch taller, he'd have to run with the big dogs lure coursing!

  16. Mr. N. is a true terrier with a huge heart! I love seeing him carry that big stick around!

    1. Definitely all terrier. There have been sticks that just about outweigh him and he somehow manages to drag them.

  17. Isn't it funny how the little ones don't seem to know their size? Sinead the 8-pound Boston terrier wins against Liam the 24-pound pug in every single game they play. I love it!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  18. There's something about small dogs. I always say they try to make up for their size by having big attitudes...that's our little beagle Cricket. The two big dogs will always back down from her.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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