03 November 2015

#BootTheScoot with Glandex® and Be Rid of Anal Gland Issues #Sponsored

Mr. N was hanging out on the pet store counter and receiving petting and treats when he suddenly started scooting on the counter. I was mortified. It was the pet store's anniversary so the store was full of people and dogs too. The employee ringing me up didn't bat an eye and calmly recommended a new supplement they had in stock for dog anal gland issues, Glandex®. 

Mr. N with a boot
This post is sponsored by Glandex and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about how Glandex – Natural Supplement for Anal Glands but Tenacious Little Terrier only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Glandex is not responsible for the content of this article.
Glandex is an supplement that guarantees results within 3-5 weeks to help "boot the scoot!" and treat anal gland issues. It is veterinary formulated and made in the USA with all natural ingredients. We were sent Glandex to try and I added it to Mr. N's food for about four weeks. It comes in a powder form (beef liver) and chewable (peanut butter and only for dogs). Mr. N prefers the powder and ate his food with the powder sprinkled on it with no issues. Dogs his size get 1/8 teaspoon per day.  

Dogs normally release anal gland fluid every time they poop but if they don't for whatever reason (soft stools, digestion issues, allergies, infection, obesity, anatomy issues or a combination of several issues), their glands get over full and cause the dogs to be uncomfortable. Severe cases require surgery.

Mr. N's rear

The supplement helps to solve the anal gland issue because of the precise amount of fiber to help bulk and firm up the pet's stools to naturally empty the glands. I've seen reviews that mentioned an increase in stool size but I did not see a difference. Mr. N's are tiny to begin with. It also contains natural anti-inflammatories to target underlying inflammation as well as probiotics and digestive enzymes to support a healthy gastrointestinal tract which is an added plus because Mr. N has a delicate stomach sometimes. 

After adding Glandex to his food, I haven't noticed Mr. N scooting at all. He usually scoots once or twice a month (although usually not in public) and I would have to take him to get his glands expressed but I haven't had to do that.

Mr. N and Glandex products

Glandex is the only product that addresses all of the underlying causes of anal gland problems and works from the inside out to help maintain healthy anal glands. Their scientific formula works in multiple ways to keep the anal glands healthy and is a more effective alternative to frequent anal gland expressing which can further irritate the anal glands. Their product may also spare you public mortification! 

If you're interested in trying Glandex with your pets, you can purchase it here. The trial size chewables are $12.99 and the smallest bottle of powder (2.5 oz) is 17.99. For more information, you can find them on:


  1. That sounds like an awesome product! My dogs could use that!

  2. Those issues are no fun! I've had them on and off in the past, but lately they seem to have resolved themselves on their own. Love your monkey suit!

  3. Thanks for the info. This is something I should talk to the vet about as I've noticed it but never spoken to her about it.

  4. Oh no, that had to be so embarrassing, yikes! Haley's never had issues with her glands, but it's good to know that this works well if she develops problems back there.

  5. I hadn't heard of this product before reading your post, but it sounds like something every dog mom needs. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Huh, need to check that out. Rita scoots every once in a while, though usually just on the street! (Luckily never in a store full of folks. That's pretty funny, although Im sure it was mortifying at the time!)

  7. How embarrassing... I hope your supercute monkey jammies help erase that awkward moment!

  8. I have a friend whose pup has his glands squeezed all the time, perhaps this is just the post for her. Will definitely share this one. Thanks so much for writing this.

  9. I am happy to hear that its working for Mr. N. Ma thought about trying it on me but the current method we are using is working so we didn't want to change it.

  10. I know a few scooters at work. I will recommend your post to their parents!

  11. Is that a picture of Mr N's butt? Thanks for the great review, Taffy has had gland issues in the past because of a bad diet. We may just give this a try because I don't go to a groomer so unless we are at the vet I never get mine done. Love Dolly

  12. Love the clever inclusion of the boot in your photos!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  13. Thanks for the review, and love the "boot" pic!

  14. He scooted on the counter?? That is so not like him, Mr. N is always so dignified! I'm glad you found a good product to help, tushie problems are no fun! I love your photos, especially the one with the boot, it's really clever. Thanks for a great review.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  15. It always seems that mine always start the boot scootin' boogie when we have company! BOL! This sounds like a great product. Mr. N's pjs are adorable.

  16. So glad to hear this is helping Mr. N! This is an issue we haven't had to deal with yet (knock wood).
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. Sounds like a great product - glad it's helped Mr N.

  18. Great post, so happy you founds a product that is working!

  19. I'm glad this is helping Mr. N so much. I wonder if someone makes a similar product for cats.

    1. The product is meant for cats as well. Just the powder though. Not the chews.

  20. Mr N always looks so cute (even in embarrassing moments LOL). Thanks as we haven't noticed any issues yet but Kilo might in the future and he hates going to the vet. This would be a much better solution.

  21. It's great that you found a product that works for your pup. Thanks for sharing this info!

  22. Boot photo!! Ha ha ha! Mr. N. you have all da fun - but seriously, I'm so glad dat dis product is out der! My little Chi bro - he's a boot scooter, so I'm checking in to dis for him!

  23. First I have heard of this product. Good info!

  24. I'm glad to hear that Glandex has worked so well with Mr.N! It has to be uncomfortable to have anal glands that aren't expressing themselves properly. I've seen a lot of dogs do the scoot. This sounds like a great product!
    -Purrs from your friends at www.PlayfulKitty.net

  25. I have been reading a lot about this product. My last Cocker would have benefited from this big time.

  26. I'm glad it is giving Mr. N the relief he needed.

  27. What a great product. Will get some for when needed


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