21 December 2015

How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Mr. N

The Grinch came to town and recruited Mr. N to pull his sleigh. Mr. N was not thrilled with the prospect. He thinks the Grinch is evil and must be stopped!

We went to a reading of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and Mr. N found the Grinch to be an extremely suspicious character and did not approve of the way Max was treated. He was quiet for the rest of the reading but when the part about Max having to pull the sleigh was being narrated, he let out a bark.

Just in case the Grinch stops by your house and steals all your presents this Christmas, you should enter our Huge Holiday Giveaway for $250 Paypal Cash if you haven't already entered. Last day to enter!

18 December 2015

Sojos Simply Lamb Freeze-Dried Dog Treats Review (Chewy.com)

So close and yet so far. Mr. N thinks it's not nice to taunt little dogs especially right before Christmas. He keeps threatening to tell Santa. 

He also thinks it's very unfair that Zoe from ZoePhee is trying to steal his treats and his spotlight! Especially when they're his favorite type. Treats that is. 

This post was sponsored by Chewy. They are not responsible for the contents of this article. All opinions expressed are our own. 
Mr. N loves meat. And this is all these treats are.  Sojos Simply Lamb treats from Chewy.com are 100 percent raw freeze-dried lamb. He approves. They're good for training and breaking up into small rewards. They can be a little greasy in parts.

He is willing to pose for awkward group photos for them.

Here I think he has a slightly crazed look in his eye from trying to eat all the treats before the other dogs can get to them.

16 December 2015

Little Boxes Portland Raffle Winner

Little Boxes is a small business shopping event in Portland on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. Businesses offer discounts and there's a raffle for various prizes.  I'm pretty sure Mr. N worked some canine magic because we won the only (out of several dozen) dog-related prize from the raffle. Mr. N considers it just compensation for suffering through dental surgery that same weekend!

Have you entered our giveaway for $250 Paypal Cash?

14 December 2015

All I Want for Christmas is .... to Win $250 Paypal Cash in a Huge Holiday #Giveaway!

Tis the season to be merry and a little holiday cash always helps with the merriment! Mr. N has a long list of suggestions (see photo above) for what your pet would like to see under the tree. If your pet's list is as extensive as Mr. N's, fear not! We're teaming up with nine other pet bloggers to host a giveaway for $250 Paypal Cash. 

In our giveaway widget, there are ten possible entries for a $250 PayPal cash drawing. Plus, by visiting all of the participating pet blogs linked here, there are even more entry chances available. One grand prize winner will be chosen from the sweepstakes on each blog.You need only enter on one blog to qualify for the prize but be sure to enter on every participating pet blog for the most chances to win. Good luck and happy holidays!

No purchase necessary. Giveaway is open to those 18 and over with an e-mail or mobile number that PayPal recognizes as able to accept the $250 prize in US funds. Participating bloggers are not responsible for PayPal issues with or delays in prize fulfillment. Void where prohibited. Odds of winning depends on number of entries received. Giveaway will run from Monday, December 14, 2015 through Monday, December 21, 2015 at 11:59pm PT. One (1) winner will be randomly selected by Random.org and notified via email. Winner will have 24 hours to claim their prize; failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the prize. Participants must read and agree to Tenacious Little Terrier's and Promosimple's Privacy Policy before entering and participating in this promotion.  Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, Vine and PayPal do not sponsor, administer, or endorse this promotion. Participating bloggers paid an entry fee to cover the cost of the prize. All entries will be checked for validity and entrants will be disqualified if any entries are not verifiable

10 December 2015

The Five Stages of A Dog Bath (Yorkie Splash and Shine Review)


Yes, I am hideously dirty and have rolled in horse poop and have mud all over my legs but surely I won't need a bath right? 


This isn't fair. How could this happen to me? I bet Sage isn't getting a bath. You will pay for this.


Look how cute I am! I'm not that dirty! See? I don't need a bath. I'll be extra good all day if I don't get a bath! I'll even eat all my vegetables! 


I'm doomed, so why bother fighting? What's the point when I'm going to be so clean and scented instead of my precious horse poop? I'm so sad. 


I guess it's going to be OK. I do feel super soft and moisturized and people always fawn over me after a bath. There's always another day to find horse poop and roll in it! 

Mr. N is a Yorkie/Maltese mix and has hair instead of fur so he gets frequent baths and he goes through this grief process every bath time. To meet his high maintenance grooming needs, we turned to a company that specifically makes grooming products for Yorkies. Yorkie Splash and Shine sent us their shampoo, conditioner and detangling spray to try out.

Mr. N's verdict: 
If I have to be clean, this isn't that bad. All the peoples want to pet me. 
My verdict:
Mr. N is silky and smooth after using the Yorkie Splash and Shine products. The spray helped with untangling all the mats he gets after going out in the rain. It is easy to rinse out but the shampoo and conditioner does not lather as much as other brands we have tried so it can be a little hard at first to gauge how much product to use. 
The scent lingers for several days which is good if you like the sweet, kind of fruity smell. I personally like it but the boyfriend prefers Mr. N's other shampoo which is more of a neutral scent. The organic and natural ingredients are a plus.
My five-year-old cousin who helped me bathe Mr. N's verdict: 
He's so cute and soft!

They also did a Q & A for us about their products.

Q: How would you describe the specific needs of Yorkies (grooming-wise)?
A: Yorkies need special attention paid to their skin and coats for a number of reasons, the most important of which, in my opinion, is that their hair is much like a human's. They have one hair per follicle and their hair continues to grow throughout life. Most dog breeds only grow their fur to a terminating length, at which point the fur will not get any longer. Yorkies, on the other hand, will continue to gain length in the hairs forever. This means regular brushing and washing, even conditioning, is extremely important. 

Q:  What makes your shampoo so suitable for Yorkies?
A: Our shampoo is a natural soap, and it has a high pH, making it perfect for the higher pH skin of dogs. 

Q: Does it work for other breeds as well?
A: Absolutely! Our products work well on all breeds of dogs, even cats. We have many customers who use our products on other breeds of dogs. 

Q:  Do you have other new products you're planning on adding?
A: We are always adding limited edition detangler fragrances. We are also always on the lookout for products our customers would love. Generally, we add products after our customers ask for them. 

This post was sponsored by Yorkie Splash and Shine. They are not responsible for the contents of this article. All opinions expressed are our own. 

The Four Gifts for Pets Blog Hop: Want, Need, Wear and Eat

Something they want
Something they need
Something to wear
Something to read

Seems like a sensible way to buy presents to me. This was meant as an approach for buying children's gifts. Kol's Notes suggested taking this view towards our pets' gifts. I swapped out "read" for "eat" as Mr. N hasn't quite mastered reading English yet despite his frequent attempts to steal the laptop and type out messages. 

Something They Want:

Mr. N always approves of anything that might mean more walks. This biothane leash from Palomine Lines would be a lot easier to keep clean than our normal leashes after our rainy muddy walks. Easy to spot in the grass too.
Credit: Palomine Lines
Something They Need:

We use the Sleepypod Air for Mr. N in the car and for air travel because they are well-designed and passed crash testing by an independent party. Ours was stolen but Sleepypod kindly sent us a replacement. It's funny because that was his Christmas present last year and he's getting it for Christmas again this year. It makes an excellent bed too. If we can't find Mr. N, he's lodged in the back of the Sleepypod napping.
Credit: Sleepypod
Something To Wear:

Mr. N practically lives in his Goldpaw fleeces come winter. They come in a variety of different colors, patterns and sizes and are super soft and washable. Mr. N gives them his paw of approval (previous review).


Something to Eat: 

Mr. N might master a handstand if I use the treats from the Best Bully Sticks Trick then Treat Box! The box features beef bonbons, pork jerky, beef liver jerky and lamb bites.
Beef Bonbons. Credit: Best Bully Sticks
What's on your pet's holiday list this year?

04 December 2015

Earning His Novice Trick Dog Title

Mr. N waiting for his certificate paperwork to be filled out
Mr. N earned his Novice Trick Dog title recently! I blogged about it previously as a good option for reactive dogs to earn titles.

A flyball team was sponsoring a trick dog tournament as a fundraiser where they set up props and had a certified trick instructor supervising and witnessing. It took place in a warehouse so I thought the dogs would have a lot of space but that wasn't the case. Mr. N had to do his tricks with  strange dogs five feet away from him on three sides and he was super distracted. He managed to pull it together long enough to earn his first trick dog title by doing tricks like high five, pray and play dead.

The dogs have to earn a certain amount of points for each title with advanced tricks counting for more points. For the lower titles, you just need a witness to sign off (there's rumors that this is changing) but for the champion title, you need to send in a video. So you can do them all at home normally.

The novice tricks were not challenging for Mr. N but I was proud that he was able to do them in an extremely distracting environment for him. As a recovering reactive dog, he finds working around other dogs difficult. There was a time when he couldn't have done it. Good boy!

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