29 March 2016

Hurry Up!

Sometimes if I take too long taking pictures, Mr. N sticks his tongue out at me.

Mr. N did some tricks for a promo for a charity event and the commercial went live this week. Check it out.



  1. So COOOL! Red Nose was fun last year ... Sugar had pawsome time helping n participating via Instagram :-) BTW: looks like the tulips are taller than you. Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Earl and Ethel do that, too! Hahahaha!

  3. Nice work, Mr. N. What a great idea they had using dog fun to get attention to their cause!

  4. Nice job there Mr. N. - and for a wonderful cause too!

  5. Oh Edie gets impatient with me too with all the picture taking! Maybe that's why her tongue always sticks out LOL!
    How cool was it to be in the video!

  6. So cute that he sticks his tongue out. Rita just looks the other way. She's not a fan of modeling!

    Super cute commercial! Nice job, Mr. N! And was that Zoe & Phee I saw in there too??

  7. We know what you mean, we hate it when Ma takes too long with the camera and we punish her by looking away! So great of you to participate in helping your community, what an adorable commercial!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  8. We humans are so annoying with all of our picture taking when you dogs have places to go and people to see! :)
    Great job in the video!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. What great fun it is to see Mr. N (and Zoe and Phoenix) in the video.

  10. Mr. N is too cute! That event was a lot of fun!

  11. How fun is that? LOVE IT! Those tulips are beautiful - Momma's favorites!


  12. That is pawesome and wuv you tongue out picture. Very cute!

    Matt & Matilda

  13. You're a star, Mr. N. Congratulations!

    Love and licks,

  14. Way to go, Mr. N! You did a great job and I'm sure you made Mom proud. :)

  15. I end up with a lot of "tails wandering out of the picture frame" shots if I take too long with pictures ;-)

    Mr. N is so patient and professional. Love that you were able to support such a great cause.

  16. Mr. N is such a super talented pup - you are such a good dog mom, training him with love and kindness (and treats)!!

  17. You look so handsome framed by those tulips!

  18. Oh, Mr. N., you are too cute! I know sometimes we can sure take a lot of photos, can't we? Love the tulips in the background! So pretty and spring-like!

  19. That photo of Mr. N with his tongue poking out made me smile... but then again, most of his photos make me smile! :)


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